Patrick Callahan
for State Representative
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About Patrick

Patrick has been a Connecticut leader for decades.
As a 25-year resident of New Fairfield, Patrick has an extensive record in public service. He served on the Candlewood Lake Authority for 13 years and in the criminal justice field for nearly 27 years. Patrick has also helped improve his community as a member of the New Fairfield Ethics Committee and Planning Commission.

Patrick believes in Connecticut families.
Even off the clock, Patrick spends most of his free time volunteering on behalf of our families, coaching youth lacrosse and football. Patrick has deep family roots in Connecticut, with his father being the former state Chief Justice, and stayed here to raise his own family of two sons and a daughter. Patrick will make Connecticut a better place to raise a family.
On the Issues
Affordable Living
Patrick’s top goal is to make Connecticut affordable for its residents. Too many people are moving to other states to escape the high taxes and exorbitant cost of living here in Connecticut. We need a much stronger economy with better, higher-paying jobs.
Stronger Economy
Patrick knows the cost of doing business is currently too high in Connecticut. He will focus on rebuilding our state economy and supporting job creators. With Patrick’s leadership, Connecticut business owners and residents can trust he will fight for an economy that works for all.
Limited Government
Good government shouldn’t come at taxpayers’ expense. Patrick will modernize state government and prioritize state spending, finding new ways to achieve our goals. Patrick’s goal is to spend smarter, not harder.
Local Education
Families deserve the power to choose what is best for their own children. Patrick will fight for local control of education. He believes that we should control the decisions for our children’s education, not bureaucrats.
Natural Preservation
Patrick is committed to preserving Connecticut’s natural health and beauty. As a former member and Chairman of the Candlewood Lake Authority, he knows our environmental challenges and will keep our state beautiful for the next generation.
Improved Infrastructure
Patrick knows that we can fix our roads without tolls throughout our state. When former Governor Dan Malloy was contemplating border tolls on all vehicles in 2015, Patrick actively fought against the measure and is now standing up to Governor Ned Lamont who has restarted the toll debate.
Lower Crime
Patrick will keep crime and recidivism rates in our communities low. With almost 27 years of work in the judicial system and as a Chief Probation Officer for the state judicial branch, he knows criminal justice issues and has the experience to keep us safe.